Things To Know On A Multi-Day Adventure

Five things I learned.


Here's a quick(ish) list of the stuff I learned on my last multi-day adventure. 

1: You can rough it without a tent. 

We stayed in bunkhouses on this trip, including the YHA in Hawkshead. It was a revelation. We took sleeping bags but could have managed without as you can book sheets. If we'd filled the dorm rooms it would have been about £15 per person per night which is not far off what a campsite charges these days. The drying room was bliss. 

2: Use these for a GREAT nights sleep. 

I am a light sleeper. I wake with a pin drop. Rupert introduced me to these Macks Earplugs. They make watertight seal in your ear and they are as close to absolute soundproof that I've ever experienced. Chris snores like a bear and all I heard was a faint rumble like a train two villages away. Highly recommended. 

3: Rupert has the best waterproof socks. 

I was wearing Sidi Adventure 2 boots that do a great job of keeping the water out. Rupert had Alpinestars Tech 7s which are MX boots and not waterproof. He wore Reed waterproof sock-legging things that looked to be outstanding at keeping his feet dry. 

4: The Engduro Singletrack is my new favourite tool. 

These are made in the USA and I got one the last time my brother was visiting the UK. It's fast become my favourite Moto-tool. They do a larger Doubletrack too. 

5: The Supershirt saved the day. 

Rupert had a very nasty crash at the end of day 2. I was convinced his shoulder was broken. He got up, finished the day and rode home the next day. Seriously impressed (and relieved). He was wearing The SupershirtBaltic Hybrid JacketLinesman JacketAqua Pac Jacket and on his legs Core Long Leg, armoured shorts, knee braces and The Singletrack Pant. 

Right, believe it or not, there's still stories to tell from this trip.

But fear not, not on email. 

I have a hard drive full of footage waiting to be edited. 

See you on YouTube soon(ish). 


Greg Villalobos

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